• ¡En oferta!
  • -20%

Guatemalan cotton handmade -Patchwork style- huipil pillow case cushion cover -18x18- 20x20 customizable sizes

48,00 $
38,40 $ 20% de descuento

Stunning Guatemalan cotton handmade artistically -Patchwork style- huipil pillow case cushion cover.
Predominant color:  Blue
Not printed. Made from upcycled huipil and weaved fabric.
Each pillow cover is unique

Multicolor border.
Back: Weaved striped fabric.  Zipper closure

We can make any adjustment.
Other size?  let me know, definitely we can make them!!
Insert not included.  Recommended for insert 1" plus

Personalización del producto

No olvide guardar su personalización para poder añadirla al carrito
  • 250 caracteres como máximo

Descuentos por volumen

Cantidad Precio unitario Usted ahorra
2 32,20 $ Hasta 31,60 $
4 29,60 $ Hasta 73,60 $


Security policy


Delivery policy


Return policy

 Dry clean or hand wash with cold water
One photo and tracking code will send when be shipped.
Authentic Mayan Fair Trade products 100% handmade in Guatemala! Some of these products require many hours of hard work and a lot of effort.
All of our products are ethically produced and handmade by Guatemalan Artisans.
Your purchases in our store help us to continue to provide income and work for families in various parts of Guatemala.

Ficha técnica


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★★★★★ Excelente 1
★★★★☆ Bueno 0
★★★☆☆ Medio 0
★★☆☆☆ Pobre 0
★☆☆☆☆ Terrible 0

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